[wp-polyglots] Chinese Locales (was re: Seeking Maintainers)

Ryan Boren ryan at boren.nu
Tue Feb 22 05:41:41 GMT 2005

On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 19:24 -0800, Morgan Doocy wrote:
>Great. Thanks for the very helpful information, Jeffrey.
>I suppose, then, we would only need two versions of the Chinese 
>localizations, for Simplified and Traditional. Otherwise we'd be 
>maintaining multiple identical copies of the same translation for 
>different countries (i.e. zh_CN and zh_SG would be identical). The 
>obvious choice would be to use zh_Hans and zh_Hant instead.
>I'm not sure if naming them like this would break WP's locale 
>functions, but from what I've seen it doesn't look like it would. Ryan, 

WP doesn't use the real gettext libraries and so doesn't have the glibc
style locale naming requirements.  To us, the locale is just a string
that is used to look for a mo file in the filesystem.  We can be


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