[wp-polyglots] fr_FR in Repository

Xavier Borderie xavier.borderie at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 15:45:45 GMT 2005

> The fr_FR PO and MO are now officially in the repository. For the time
> being you can either continue to edit using Rosetta (from which I'll
> periodically export a PO to import into the repository), or you can
> just send corrections to me and I'll put them in directly. 

I've made quiet a few changes in Rosetta (see the blue part? That'd be
me. Sorry). Please see if you can commit them.
We have agree on some stuffs, also, like for these words :
Template : modèle, gabarit ? both are in there
Pas de majuscule après un deux-points (:) ?
err, there are others, can't remember correctly... grmbl...

> Once our
> team has some maintainers, they can decide whether or not we'll
> continue to use Rosetta for fr_FR at all.

While Rosetta is a nice collaborative tool, I think it lacks a proper
versionning system, and way to search for a particular
string/line/file (and maybe even do replace).

> http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-i18n/fr_FR/trunk/messages/

Aaaah, finally, to be able to eat my own dog food :)
Rosetta had problems exporting a MO file, and the PO it gave me had
troubles in poEdit.
The wp-fr blog has been updated :
I should probably reset the content as most posts and comments only
apply to my 1.2 translation.

While I am at it : why does the fr_FR Rosetta boasts 830 strings,
while the others have 828 ?

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