[Wp-install] Democracy

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Jul 11 15:17:56 GMT 2006

I don't see that this project should be anything other than a democracy.
We all know what we are doing, we all agree and within personal limits
we will all work toward the same goal. I don't think it should be 'run'
by anyone or that we wait for decisions from anyone - we just get on and
do. And if needed we have a vote and go with that. If we start off with
any sort of figurehead I can see this failing - it must be above
personalities. Hopefully a vote will pass that :)
At #wordpress-meetup tomorrow night I will also make it clear that
anyone who blogs it mentions no names. I don't want to see "Podz
said..." and that sort of stuff (see above) because it's a joint thing.
There is a .org forum login/pass as user 'install4free' in the blog
which may prove useful. It also needed grabbing just in case.


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