[wp-hackers] Using constants for text domain

Justas Butkus jbutkus at time.ly
Wed Nov 27 14:30:24 UTC 2013

Thank you for explaining.

As I said - we are doing this to allow easier modification, if any would 
be needed (despite anything - it's still easier to change one function, 
than all usage places) and catch errors (those who haven't ever made a 
mistake may throw their bits and bytes at me).

Justas Butkus

2013.11.27 16:07, Ryan McCue rašė:
> The reason it's a bad idea is because the static analysis tools used to
> generate the POT files won't recognise it automatically.
> It's OK if you're writing your own generation scripts, but some people
> will parse the code themselves (using POEdit/etc), so you may want to
> mention it in your documentation.

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