[wp-hackers] WordPress.org Stats API

Ken (WraithKenny) ken.adcstudio at gmail.com
Fri May 17 17:18:01 UTC 2013

Is there a way to get a filter on http://api.wordpress.org/stats/php/1.0/ (like
`?wp=3.5`) to reduce the result to a particular version of WordPress? If
not, can that be added please?
(I'm requesting the API handle this; It'd also be nice, but not necessary,
to add it to http://wordpress.org/about/stats/ )

I think it'd be useful for plugin authors to see the PHP version breakdown
for a particular version (mainly, the latest WP version) rather then having
older versions (3.0-3.4) mixed in.
(Just for fun, it'd also be interesting to see which PHP versions beta
testers are using to test!)

Example Case: I'm making a plugin that will require at least WP 3.6 (It'll
be in the plugin header, and have a check), and would like to use PHP 5.4
(or at least 5.3). Since the plugin won't run on lower versions, the PHP
versions reported for those lower WP versions aren't useful for my inquiry.

Currently http://wordpress.org/about/stats/ shows 62.5% on PHP 5.2. I would
assume a correlation of older WP to older PHP. Only 33% of WP up to date on
3.5. I'd further assume that the percent of PHP 5.2 for WP 3.5 would be
lower then 62.5%. I just don't have the access to that data yet to confirm.
Please liberate the data for the sake of us poor curious developers! :-)

P.S I originally sent this yesterday, but evidently was having
email/internet issues. I've seen on twitter that Nacin talked about this
yesterday (coincidence). He said that the data isn't yet broken down that
way even internally, but also that the difference in PHP version by WP
version is negligible. Still, it'd be nice to see the data anyway (removing
doubt would help). Also note, this isn't an argument to get WP to abandon
5.2, it's to get more info to plugin/theme devs.

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