[wp-hackers] Custom DB Table Settings

Sinan sinan at sinanisler.com
Tue Jan 22 19:51:22 UTC 2013

I'm writing a theme its need special settings.
one them is post per page count. As you know it is 10 but I have set this
at the beggining to 12 I write this for to do that setting

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'function_name' );
UPDATE  `wp`.`*wpsinshop*_options`
 SET  `option_value` =  '*12*'
WHERE  `*wpsinshop*_options`.`option_id` =22;

*wpsinshop *custom db prefix. How can I can make this setting better or
easy way? Or if this way is better how can I get db prefix for update it.
As you know some times prefix changing and if I make default wp_ prefix
this setting some times not gonna work.


sinanisler.com <http://www.sinanisler.com>

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