[wp-hackers] wp-hackers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 62

Rafael Ehlers rafaehlers at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 20:07:34 UTC 2011

Sam wrote:

"I'm still a bit confused.  Firstly, why do I need a the domain to have the
same length??  Since when does search and replace care about the relative
length of the strings?"

Because the serialize() PHP function used in WordPress, store the lenght of
the data, so you cannot *only* just search and replace.

You need to unserialize it first, replace and then serialize again! Got it!?

Scroll down to Serializing objects session:

And here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php

Best regards,

Rafael Ehlers

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Gregg Tomlinson <gregg at fatheaddesign.com>wrote:

> Sam said:
> Regardless it seems the correct thing for me to do is start using something
> like dev.example.com instead of example.com/wp but if I did this it seems
> like relative urls would still save me the find and replace step.  So I'd
> still be in favor of an optional constant solution.
> For NEW sitebuilds the dev.example.com (as dev) and migrate to
> www.example.com (as live) is the methodology I've always used. Then
> before launch you migrate all files to your live server, run a simple
> find/replace on your db, edit hostfile to test, and you're done.
> Is there a better way? I gotta admit I'm intrigued by Rafael's
> searchreplacedb.php solution, and will definitely be trying that on two
> sites I'm launching early this week.
> --g
> On Oct 30, 2011, at 11:33 AM, sam auciello wrote:
> >> As I mentioned elsewhere, get your self a short domain. Create your
> clients
> >> site on a subdomain of it (with a character count exactly the same
> length
> >> of
> >> the live domain) so that wordPress is in the root of the site.
> >>
> >
> > I'm still a bit confused.  Firstly, why do I need a the domain to have
> the
> > same length??  Since when does search and replace care about the relative
> > length of the strings?
> >
> >
> >> No they wouldn't: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/29/my-images.jpg still
> >> needs to be changed to /wp-content/uploads/2011/10/29/my-images.jpg
> >> regardless of whether it start with the domain or not.
> >>
> >>
> > Right, I was getting confused by the root part of root relative there.  I
> > was thinking that the images would be saved as
> > /wp-content/uploads/2011/10/29/my-images.jpg
> > and example.com/wp (my site address) would be prepended.  The proposal
> is
> > that for the purposes of content not being exported this wouldn't be
> > necessary.
> >
> > Regardless it seems the correct thing for me to do is start using
> something
> > like dev.example.com instead of example.com/wp but if I did this it
> seems
> > like relative urls would still save me the find and replace step.  So I'd
> > still be in favor of an optional constant solution.
> >
> > Peace
> > ~Sam
> >
> > Aw c'mon, no offense to Mike, but that's just ridiculous, please,
> >> seriously, just use this script:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> http://www.interconnectit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/searchreplacedb2.zip
> >>
> >> It's an easy process:
> >>
> >> 1. Change DB Connection in wp-config.php
> >> 2. Upload all WP files from local to production (and
> searchreplacedb.php to
> >> root file of wp)
> >> 3. Export DB from local to production
> >> 4. Run searchreplacedb.php
> >> 5. Log in to WordPress -> Settings -> Save Permalinks (to regenerate)
> >> 6. Profit!!!
> >>
> >>
> >> Seriously, use that script!
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >> Rafael Ehlers
> >>
> >>
> > Search and replace is easy enough with a manual sql query but thanks.
>  The
> > process isn't that complex but it can be confusing to someone new to it
> so
> > I tend to think anything that make this initially daunting 16 step
> process
> > simpler seem like a good idea to me.
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> ::::  ::::  ::::
> Gregg Tomlinson
> Principal
> fathead design, inc.
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