[wp-hackers] How to make root relative urls work in, , subdomain

Marcus Pope Marcus.Pope at springbox.com
Tue Nov 1 17:49:40 UTC 2011

Hmm, unfortunately many things could be causing this. Are you using the .htaccess file recommended by wordpress?  You might want to start there and see if that works for you. 

You can also check out htaccess debuggers online that can parse your rules and show you errors, if any. There are also posts for debugging htaccess on your server but I've never had to use them before so I dont know how easy they are to work with. 

Email me your final htaccess file in a zip or tar and ill try it out on my dev box, i know mine are processing so it should eliminate the environment issue and then i should be able to ensure the correct formatting as even my write up was done hastily. 

Hope that helps!
- marcus

On Oct 31, 2011, at 10:39 PM, "Ryann Micua" <ryannmicua at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Marcus,
> The rewrite doesn't seem to be working on my local server. But, if you 
> say that it's the right then I think it's something wrong with my lamp 
> setup I'll look into it. we came up with almost the same rules anyway =) 
> save for taking out the domain name and adding flags.
>> Hey Ryann, unfortunately I got sucked into a 6 hour meeting in the next 10 minutes so I won't be able to write up a response as complete I would like.  But I can fill you in on more details tomorrow if you don't figure out an option from this response.
>> Basically you are 90% of the way there.  I'm not sure if the email thread removed the newline, but you'll want to put the RewriteRule on its own line underneath the RewriteCond statement.  You can also take outhttp://wp.dev  and just use/testproject/$1.  And additionally you will want to put [R=301,L]  which indicates that the redirect is a permanent move (301) and to stop processing anymore rules L == Last Rule.
>> Otherwise the rest looks good.  If the above suggestions don't work out let me know and I'll spend a little more time looking at it.  Here's a formatted version for you to view..
>> RewriteEngine on
>> #be sure to include the wordpress .htaccess rules here
>> #and put this at the bottom of your file
>> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/testproject/
>> RewriteRule ^wp\.dev/(.*)/testproject/$1 [R=301,L]
>> #end of file
> -- 
> *Ryann Micua*
> /Web Developer/
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