[wp-hackers] MySQL database issue

John Blackbourn johnbillion+wp at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 11:20:22 UTC 2011

On 30 August 2011 12:16, Ian Douglas <ian at powerfoundation.org> wrote:
> As detailed in other threads, I've been facing a string of problems with a website. Now it seems there is database corruption. We get the following error numerous times:
> --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --log-error=/var/lib/mysql/server.oursite.com.err  --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/server.oursite.com.pid
> 1. Does anyone know what this error is?
> 2. Is there an easy fix, or do people have recommendations as to how to fix this?
> 2. If not, is there anyone out there capable of repairing this MySQL database error manually?

Although I'm doubtless there are people on the hackers list who can
help with this, a more appropriate place to ask would be a MySQL forum
or one of the Stack Exchange sites on SQL/MySQL.


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