[wp-hackers] comments should be a plugin

Scott Kingsley Clark sc0ttkclark at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 02:09:01 UTC 2010

There are so many things that should be put into the realm of plugins
for WP, but I don't think the core team is very open to that. I'm sure
there are many reasons, but one of them is definitely that it's "not
necessary". WP would be amazing if it came with plugins that by
default could be enabled / disabled to keep things modular. Sometimes
people don't need Posts or RSS feeds, or in this case Comments.
Sometimes people don't need "insert feature here". Yeah, you can
disable them with hooks and such, but that's a lot of hacking which
doesn't solve the root of the issue.

Most people are told to use something other than WP because of this
but that's not right. People still continue to use WP in new and
innovative ways, but just "deal" with the extra stuff. The answer is
obvious that WP needs a pretty big rewrite in general to have all
these needs met. I'm not sure how immediate that's in the cards for
WP, or if it will ever happen.

Just food for thought, WP is a CMS, but it's got a WHOLE lot of blog
in it with no way to take it to a more optimized state for sites that
don't need certain things. Perhaps if BackPress got a whole lot more
support and development on the project, we'd see WP built out as a
flavor of BackPress with default plugins packaged. That's really what
a lot of people would like to see. That's what got me excited with
BackPress, a whole lot of nothing, a blank slate to do whatever you
want but with the backing of what runs WP (but still two separate
codebases, WP being the highly modified one).

Anyways, I'm sure that'll be the end of the discussion, but I believe
in the "enable it" option (perhaps in the Installation Screen,
defaulting to enabling all the most used things but allowing things to
be turned off at which their PHP files would not be "include"-d until
enabled), rather than "give it to them, they can disable it or they
can just use another system entirely".

Best Regards,

Scott Kingsley Clark // Developer + Consultant

sc0ttkclark at gmail.com

214.233.4048 // Mobile

On Mar 6, 7:40 pm, "24/7" <2... at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi. I use WP now since Version 1.5.x and really/still like it. But there are
> some things in the evolution WP-Core has taken over the last years, that
> seem to not follow the trends around wordpress.
> Following the latest discussions about comments on the one side and seeing
> plugins like "pods" or "shopp" who bring WP to a completely new level, i
> have to say, that some Core-Stuff should not be in the Core anymore. I often
> read "this is plugin material" as an answer to ideas. As far as i see, a lot
> of people use WP as Portfolio CMS and with pods as CMS for completely new
> ideas or with shopp as CMS for online shops. All of these people will never
> need comments. And on the other hand, a lot (corr.: most) of the blogs who
> have comment forms don't have comments.
> So: "comments is plugin material".
> Best Wishes & a nice weekend. -K.
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