[wp-hackers] support for custoim post types + custom feilds

Jeremy Clarke jer at simianuprising.com
Mon Jun 21 13:21:09 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 12:04 PM, scribu <scribu at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Ash Goodman <ash at thinkinginvain.com>
> wrote:
> > For corporate/mission critical websites plugins are an iffy solution at
> > best.
> >
> So, I'm guessing corporate sites don't use WP Super Cache (or any other
> caching plugin) because it's a plugin, right?
Scribu I'm bummed to hear you asking a leading question like that. I think
its clear that most sites will have some kind of sliding scale of importance
v. risk that they use to decide which plugins are worth it. Core WP needs to
assess each need and decide whether its fit for inclusion in core. Implying
that everything should be a plugin because some things have to be plugins is
not a good way to deal with feature requests.

Also: Super Cache, as has been constantly debated and pointed out, is a
particularly poignant example of functionality that by all rights
*should*be included in core but which isn't because it's too complex
server-dependent to be appropriate. Lots of people want caching in WP but
when faced with the realities and complexities we all agree that it should
stay plugins to save everyone extra headaches.

Compared to caching this proposal for a non-UI API for registering custom
fields is a perfect example of some functionality that should be carefully
considered for inclusion in core because its so simple, obvious and
appropriate. Not only would many theme and custom-plugin developers use the
functions in their implementations but public-plugin developers could use
the new API in their GUI plugins, standardizing the process and making those
plugins more future-proof than ever.

Unlike caching there aren't many good reasons to avoid this idea. Do you
know of any?

IMHO pointing out that there are already plugins that accomplish something
is not a reason not to put it in core, it is a reason to consider it even
harder! If the test for inclusion in core is "Are there already popular
plugins that do this job, proving that there is user desire?" then a custom
fields API is something that has had enough proof of its value since WP 1.5.

Jeremy Clarke
Code and Design | globalvoicesonline.org

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