[wp-hackers] Hiding Child's Template Theme

Chris Jean gaarai at gaarai.com
Mon Mar 30 14:04:54 GMT 2009

I haven't thought of doing that Matt. I'll have to give it a try.

My initial thought is that doing this would break the theme since the 
location of the parent files will no longer exist in the data structure.

Chris Jean

Matt Martz wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Chris Jean <gaarai at gaarai.com> wrote:
>> I'm starting to play around with child themes and wondered if it is possible
>> to hide the parent or template theme of a child theme in Manage Themes.
>> Looking through the code, it looks like the only way to have a theme removed
>> is if it is broken (missing parent theme, missing index.php or style.css,
>> etc). Even then, it lists them as broken themes.
>> My reasoning for wanting to hide the parent theme is simple: I don't want a
>> user to activate the parent theme if the child theme was the one customized
>> or built for their needs. Looking at almost any information about building
>> child themes has a note about not activating the parent instead of the
>> child. So, I can't be the only one that sees the listing of parent themes
>> problematic.
>> I'm thinking of building a patch for core that allows for an entry in the
>> theme information that tells WordPress to hide the theme from activation on
>> Manage Themes. For example:
>>   Theme Name: Parent Theme
>>   Theme URI: http://wordpress.org
>>   Author: Chris
>>   Author URI: http://site.com
>>   Version: 1.0
>>   Description: This is a parent theme and should not be used.
>>   *Hidden: yes*
>> Of course, a different option could be used instead of "Hidden:", and I'm
>> open to suggestions.
>> I'm passing this by the list first to see 1) how many other developers are
>> interested in my proposal and 2) if any other developers have any
>> suggestions or recommendations.
>> --
>> Chris Jean
>> http://gaarai.com/
>> http://wp-roadmap.com/
>> http://dnsyogi.com/
> Perhaps adding a filter in wp-admin/themes.php for $themes =
> get_themes(); so that you can hook into it from the child themes
> functions.php and remove the parent theme from the return.
> Maybe:
> $themes = apply_filters('get_themes', get_themes());
> Then you could do:
> add_filter('get_themes', 'remove_parent');
> function remove_parent($themes) {
>         return unset($themes['parent_name']);
> }

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