[wp-hackers] PHP5

Aaron Brazell emmensetech at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 23:13:07 GMT 2009

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Jacob Santos <wordpress at santosj.name>wrote:

> No, sir, I kindly ask that we do continue this discussion off list, so that
> I may pounce on your so called "Theology" knowledge and whatnot. No, sire, I
> do not need such things as "knowledge" and experience, because I know deep,
> deep, way deep down that my religion is right and every other religion is
> wrong. Therefore, I will say, respectfully of course, that the answer to how
> many angels fit in an wp_init action is zero, nada, because Angels do not
> exist.
> Only Satan, Matt, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster exist. All other
> abnormities, religious constructs, and paranormal are like the Big Foot,
> they just don't exist no matter how often so drunk guy out in the woods says
> otherwise.
> The verdict is still out on whether WordPress actually exists, or is some
> otherworldly fivth dimension being, locked in eternal conflict with
> he-who-must-not-be-named (aka Habari).
> Jacob Santos
> * Well, since PHP5 discussion is completely irrelevant, we might as well
> have fun with it. Right? See reason 2 in the Against list. Also, the answer
> is still zero.

I'm not really a religious fanatic, though clearly the answer to the number
of angels on a wp_init action is 42.

I will also say that I'd love it if this discussion could be had over a
beer, in front of the Xbox 360, or over on Twitter. Anywhere but in my

Aaron Brazell
web:: www.technosailor.com
phone:: 410-608-6620
skype:: technosailor
twitter:: @technosailor

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