[wp-hackers] TinyMCE 3.0 RC-1

DD32 wordpress at dd32.id.au
Sun Jan 20 06:17:57 GMT 2008

Perhaps including a "WordPress may send anonymous usage stats" option (deselected by default) in the next release, or prefreably, as a plugin(perhaps bundled) to generate some stats of what WordPress users use, ie, PHP Version, Mysql Version, If users use this function, or that function.. 
Quite a lot of desktop applications have something similar these days (usually automatically selected), so i assume a lot of users are comfortable with such details.

Of course, You would want stats to be uniquely identified.. Probably by a hash of the blog URL(To prevent people complaining of a central directory of known functions/plugins running on any blog, as it can supposably increase the risk of installs if its known(Ref: The tinfoil brigade, on the Plugin version checking))

(Please, No flames or counter-arguements on that Blog URL business.. A central directory wouldnt increase the risk dramatically(IMO), and allthough security would be pretty good i assume, Some people just do not want information about them or products they use stored anywhere at all, So its all of personal opinion, Not something anyone needs to be argued about right now, Leave that to whoever designs it if it ever happens)

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 17:02:23 +1100, Andre SC <andre at pixelplexus.co.za> wrote:

> Yup. Would be interesting to see some metrics though, not just on
> TinyMCE but wordpress blogs ingeneral, maybe a central directory
> including WordPress.com, indi installs with some kind of folksonomy -
> why should del.iceous, MBL and dare i say it G etc have all the fun,
> even a nice synergy with gravatars. Wonder if its something Automatic
> would be interested in...
> But I digress, for day to day stuff in my experience even most html
> knowledgeble users prefer the quick-and-easy of T.MCE, why type if you
> can click...
> Viper007Bond wrote:
>> Tons. While everyone on this list knows what they are doing when it comes to
>> HTML, think about all of the grandmas and such who are completely clueless
>> when it comes to HTML. They all prefer TinyMCE.
>> At least that's been my experience when it comes to my clients. They ALL use
>> it.
>> On 1/16/08, Ozh <ozh at planetozh.com> wrote:
>>> Something I'd like to know is, exactly (or as exactly as possible) how
>>> many wp.org users actually use this editor?
>>> I always have the feeling it's completely overkill javascript bloating.
>>> Can't we add something relating to tinymce to the data that get sent
>>> to wp.org by the auto-update thing ? :)
>>> On Jan 16, 2008 8:43 PM, Andy Skelton <skeltoac at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 15, 2008 8:59 AM, Charles E. Frees-Melvin <charles at cefm.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I just noticed that RC-1 was relesed yesterday, has anyone tested it
>>> to see
>>>>> how it works in wordpress, with the new admin?
>>>> I have done most of the TinyMCE integration in WordPress. When they
>>>> put up a RC, it is still a long way from final. Normally I like to
>>>> wait for at least one bugfix before updating core. This is because the
>>>> process is not simple. It involves carving around a lot of WP
>>>> customizations.
>>>> So, I'll get my hands on it in February or March unless you beat me to
>>> it.
>>>> Andy
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