[wp-hackers] re:re: GPL

Lynne Pope lynne.pope at gmail.com
Sun Dec 14 20:46:49 GMT 2008

2008/12/15 Michael Torbert <mrtorbert at gmail.com>

> Lynne,
> The GNU GPL license is very specific on plugins.  I'll include the text so
> that there's no misunderstanding here.

I agree Michael, the GNU/GPL is specific about plugins, however it uses the
term "plugins" differently to WordPress. The GNU/GPL statement about plugins
applies to compiled code. In compiled code the end result is a binary.
WordPress does not use compiled code and does not produce binaries. The
GNU/GPL is less clear about interpreted code, which is why there is still so
much debate about what makes a work derivative.

Disclaimer: IANAL, and I am also a strong supporter of the GPL. I do,
however, recognise that there are a lot of grey areas when the GPL is
applied to scripting languages and interpreted code which is why I consider
it wrong to say everything is derivative and therefore must be GPL. Its just
plain not that simple.


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