[wp-hackers] What is up with Akismet?

Jared Bangs jared at pacific22.com
Tue Dec 4 15:53:08 GMT 2007

On Dec 3, 2007 10:27 PM, Jeremy Visser <jeremy.visser at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm, but I imagine SK2 still doesn't work well with WPMU (in particular,
> as a mu-plugin non-configurable by users).

I use SK2 in WPMU with some slight modifications. I haven't made the change
to allow for centralized management, so each blog still manages their own
settings (and their own spam), but it's working fine from the mu-plugins
folder for me. I do plan to make those further mods, but I'll have to check
with Dave regarding redistributing those changes, since IIRC the license
doesn't allow for redistribution by default.

If you're up for a bit of dev work, you could always just have a plugin that
runs on new blog registration that copies the SK2 settings into all new
blogs and then prevents the management page from being shown to anyone who
isn't an overall site admin.

As for Akismet, I find that it's generally correct when it labels an entry
as "spam", but occasionally it does label some actual spam as "ham" (false

The way I tackle this is to run Akismet as an SK2 plugin only, and assign
negative karma to a comment akismet says is spam, but not assign any
positive points if akismet says it's OK, since that is the part I have found
to be not authoritative. That part of it (the SK2 plugin) I could definitely
redistribute if anyone's interested.

I also use Bad Behavior to prevent a lot of stuff from getting past the
"front lines", but for those that do (100-200 per day on average), the
combination of Akisment and SK2 seems to work well for me.

- Jared

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