[wp-hackers] 2.1 Ongoing Work

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Thu Oct 19 20:29:23 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Ryan Boren wrote:
> Here are the 2.1 projects that are currently ongoing and the decisions
> that still need to be made.  We need to wrap these up soon and drive to
> beta.
> * Uploader improvements. (mdawaffe)
> * Localize plugin and theme metadata.  Patch from nbachiyski waiting
> review and commit.  #3089
> * RTL Support.  Support RTL in admin and default themes out of the box.
>     Patches from Sewar waiting for commit.  #3136 #3217
> * Finalize nomenclature of Blogroll/Links/Bookmarks.
> * Make decision on Combined Category behavior and UI.  Perhaps include
> MarkJ's category UI work. #3130
> * Autosave tweaking.  Still have some edge case bugs here.
> * wp_cron and future posts.  Any remaining issues?
> * Page on front.  We still have some issues lingering.
> * wp_list_bookmarks().  Is this complete?

I think so - do we need to move the old funcs to deprecated and
reimplement as calls to the new code? #2587

> * Import/Export.  Remaining issues?  Sufficient to replace DB backup?  I
> think masquerade has some patches for this waiting.
> * Bundling.  Include widgets?  Include scriptaculous?
> * Other stuff?

Deprecation of start_wp. Also affects the Exporter. #3188

Rewrite fixes for feeds when permalinks start /%category%/

Thats all off the top of my head

- --
Peter Westwood
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