[wp-hackers] trac tags

David House dmhouse at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 13:52:47 GMT 2006

On 16/02/06, Scott Merrill <skippy at skippy.net> wrote:
> Finally, it was tentatively agreed that the bg| prefix from tags can
> reasonably be dropped.  We can collectively make an effort to remove the
>  bg| prefix from all current _open_ tickets, and then modify the reports
> as needed.  I figure if everyone chips and and modifies a dozen or so
> tickets, we could be done in a day or two.

Quickly wondering why we might want to do this? I kinda like the
namespacing, it seperates the meta tags from the actual tags, so to

-David House, dmhouse at gmail.com, http://xmouse.ithium.net

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