[wp-hackers] Rethinking check_admin_referer()

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Tue Apr 18 10:30:44 GMT 2006

On Apr 18, 2006, at 5:03 AM, Paul Mitchell wrote:

> Anyway, this "flaw in the current system" is nuclear. It allows a
> trivial remotely-exploitable escalation of privilege with ultimate
> destructive power.

On Apr 18, 2006, at 5:11 AM, David House wrote:
> No need to be able to create drafts.

Okay, so more than just an annoyance for people who aren't sending  
HTTP referrers.  Using a key solves this, by locking things down to  
the blog/user/action/object level.  I don't see the point of using a  
nonce... if you can intercept the key, you have already compromised  
the blog.  In addition, the use of nonces would create a DB write on  
every access of a wp-admin <form>... not  exactly ideal.

The way I see it, using keys is more secure and it works for every  
browser/internet-"security"-suite.  It is essentially what WP uses to  
protect AJAX requests (it sends along bits of the login cookie, which  
is the same concept of "pass along information that is only provided  
to a logged-in user.")

I'm still curious what Matt meant by this... it's the only thing  
stopping me from writing the patch:

On Apr 17, 2006, at 2:37 AM, Matt Mullenweg wrote:
> Unfortunately this doesn't work, because it's trivial to fetch the  
> page and grab the key/nonce before submitting the malicious request.

I sure hope that's not true!
Mark Jaquith

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