[wp-hackers] Gap for translators

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Wed Nov 23 16:37:18 GMT 2005

Is it possible the translators to receive some time (for example a week) 
before the 2.0 release to finish their work (being sure no string will 
change meanwhile), package their non-English versions not in a hurry. 
This will both make translators' days (and especially around new 
releases - nights) easier and for first time will enables us to have 
english and non-English releases of WordPress at the same happy moment. 
I beg for this gap between code freeze and release, because the current 
situation forces translators to catch up and hurry in the days after the 
official release. As a side note - this routine is present in many big 
projects (as far as I know - Gnome, KDE...).

Please, if somebody is powerful enough to make this desicion and really 
makes it, it should be announced in the wp-polyglots list.

Thank you in advance,

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