[wp-hackers] 1.5.2 or on to 1.6?

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Sat May 21 20:27:59 GMT 2005

On Sat, May 21, 2005 9:12 pm, Matthew Mullenweg said:
> I wanted some community feedback on where we should go next with
> development. There are basically two directions we could go right now,
> one is to a 1.5.2 release which focuses on incremental changes and
> improvements to the very-solid 1.5 base, or we could start working on
> adding some major functionality changes for a 1.6 release. (I realize
> this could happen at the same time, I don't think we should branch
> development.)

I would have thought the best direction would be to start work on 1.6 with an eye on adding some new features and
leave the idea of 1.5.2 open for a incremental improvement/bug-fix release based on a corpus of worthy bug fixes minor
improvements having built up in mosquito^H^H^H^H^H trac - maybe create a target release to which they can be assigned
and then go on a small patch fest to create a 1.5.2 if enough stuff turns up.

> There has been some excellent usability feedback has come in from
> Gabriel White's paper, some upcoming feedback from my friend Jane Wells,
> and WordPress will be a project at the next FLOSS usability sprint at
> the end of July. I think there is lots of room for improvement in the
> administration interface and improving that experience could definitely
> be a focus of development for a good while. Improvements in usability
> and inline help would also ease the burden on the support forums.
> There are some pretty ambitious things on the table for 1.6:
> http://codex.wordpress.org/Version_1.6

This list looks long an unwieldy!  Maybe the need expanding a bit with more description and maybe some sort of rating
scheme could be applied to them - maybe the work better as a list of features that you/we would like to see in a
future version of wordpress.

> (Note, if we call it 1.6 doesn't that break the fibbonaci sequence?)
> As much more core code will be touched it's likely that compatibility
> with some things will be broken and there will need to be a long testing
> period.
> Anyway I'm curious to hear thoughts about either direction.

Peter Westwood
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