[wp-hackers] feed:http://address problem

Dave Mussulman mussulma at uiuc.edu
Wed May 18 18:37:29 GMT 2005

Matthew Mullenweg wrote:

> Mihailo Stefanovic wrote:
>> Thanks. I don't (usually) use aggregators, but my friend noticed it 
>> doesn't work in Sage RSS reader, and I was curious because it doesn't 
>> work in latest Firefox either.
> I think both Sage and Firefox are still pretty new in terms of 
> aggregation and have a long way to go.

I'm impressed with sites that use XSL with their XML/RSS feeds to
display a 'what is this?' page to their users rather than showing them
the direct feed.  Often it parses some of the XML to show the most
recent content, and also has quick links that would open a feed: URL, or
allow people track them via Bloglines, etc.  I think the WP community
could benefit from that kind of self-documented pages, and would let
people who want to use the feed be able to click/copy the link without
their browsers breaking with an unknown feed: protocol error.  I'd
submit a patch, but I'm afraid I don't really know how they do that....


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