[wp-hackers] Re: Exploit, or no?

Martin Geisler mgeisler at mgeisler.net
Wed Jun 29 16:12:57 GMT 2005

Robert Deaton <false.hopes at gmail.com> writes:

> Its already been done long before you posted this, check
> http://trac.wordpress.org and the devblog, since is official
> now

I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong --- I did check the repository
before posting, and at the time of my post (Jun 28 20:00:26 2005 UTC)
the update to the 1.5 branch had not yet taken place: changeset 2667
was made two hours later.

And to add something usefull to this post as well: I  updated my site
using 'svn merge':

  svn merge -r 2661:2672 \

That applied the changes made to the 1.5 branch to my checked out copy
of the trunk. So I now have a fairly inconsistant copy (it thinks it's
tracking the trunk, but it contains 'local modifications' based on the
changes on the branch) but at least I have the security patch.

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

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