[wp-hackers] Trackback RDF

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Fri Jul 1 05:18:47 GMT 2005

Why was the Trackback RDF auto-discovery code axed from the default 
templates?  Matt's commit says "Removed needless RDF calls," but 
removing them makes it so that no existing blog software I know of can 
auto-discover the Trackback URI.

Granted, the RDF solution isn't the cleanest, but it's the standard.

Are we just saying that it's tough luck for people who were used to 
Trackback Autodiscovery and that they'll just have to start hunting for 
the Trackback URI on the to-be-pinged site?

rel="trackback" seems cleaner to me, but it's not supported by anything 
I know of.

- Mark Jaquith

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