[wp-forums] WP-BP select table or row backup - restores...

Marius Jensen funman at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 05:53:22 UTC 2015

Hi Martin,

This mailing list is for the moderators and voulenteered of the forums to
discuss events that unfold in the world of support, and is not actually a
support outlet to get help through.

You mentioned you had made a forum post already, so that's awesome, and I'm
sure someone will have a look at it when they come across it (it's not
uncommon for it to take a few days with the sheer amount of posts on the


On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 05:40 MarvinC <marvinc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Say I have a WP/BP multisite multinetwork which appears to have been
> comprised due to the revolution slider plugin not being updated. That
> one's on me in addition to not having a backup of the database.
> I have two virtual servers and the compromised networks in questions
> sit on one of the servers which is need of an OS upgrade. So I've
> figured out how to backup and restore the sites between the servers. I
> restored one of the compromised sites without thinking and notice that
> it brought over the same issues. This will end up being rebuilt and
> although not active the network has multiple sites and groups that I'd
> like to keep. When viewing phpmyadmin I see the groups and wonder the
> best way to restore these to the new location without bringing over
> any unnecessary data. Would anyone happen to know the best way to do
> this? Best way to restore select rows using phpmyadmin or any other
> method?
> I posted a similar question in the support forums and don't think I
> ever received a solution. In addition I posted a question to the
> BuddyPress forums and was directed to the phpMyadmin forums.
> Any responses appreciated.
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