[wp-forums] Need help how to cool him down

James Huff james at automattic.com
Tue Sep 23 18:54:41 UTC 2014

We don’t need to agree with reviews, that’s why reviews exist. :)

Reviews are about the user’s experience, and I’d say that this person definitely felt like he had a 2-star experience. Whether he was Doing it Wrong™ or not, he felt the 2-stars were deserved, and that’s all that matters.

"Remember, you aren’t here to force someone to convert to one platform/plugin/theme or another. Which platform/plugin/theme to use is ultimately a user decision, but you can certainly recommend alternatives.” ;)


James Huff

On September 23, 2014 at 11:35:30 AM, Amanda Rush (amanda at customerservant.com) wrote:

Well crap. I was going to reply, but the thread's closed.  

I don't agree with the user giving WooCommerce two stars, unless there's  
some specific advertisement I don't know about that says "WooCommerce will  
absolutely beat every other e-commerce solution out there, they suck and  
we don't". I was going to tell him to use the right tool for the job, and  
if in his specific e-commerce job another solution fits better, then use  


-----Original Message-----  
From: wp-forums [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf  
Of andrew nevins  
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 2:09 PM  
To: For forum moderators. See also http://make.wordpress.org/support/  
Subject: [wp-forums] Need help how to cool him down  

I need help how to cool the OP down without deleting his replies or  
his thread -  
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