[wp-forums] help w/a support topic

Half-Elf on Tech ipstenu at halfelf.org
Thu Sep 18 19:05:26 UTC 2014

Jackie, this was EXACTLY the right thing to do :D

Jackie McBride wrote:
> Sorry if I should not post here& sorry to bother yall. Give me
> instructions as to what I should do when this occurs in future,& I'll
> follow them, I promise.
> The support topic I'm requesting assistance with is here:
> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/need-help-to-transfer-site-to-new-server?replies=7#post-6027214
> I'm a blindy& can't see the screenshot the op is posting. I could go
> ahead& provide guidance, but w/o the info in the screenshot, I can't
> be entirely certain that what the op posted represents a database. If
> someone could just provide me w/the filename?

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