[wp-forums] Grinding my teeth at this guy

Kathryn Presner zoonini at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 22:02:04 UTC 2014

I don't think I've missed a tagged thread since we started this system
in late 2013, so I don't think we need "but the developer of the theme
may never get notified that there are issues." :-)



On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Kathryn Presner <zoonini at gmail.com> wrote:
> Suggested tweak:
> ---
> You've installed a wordpress.com hosted theme that is (currently) not
> available on WordPress.org. This is confusing, we know, but it means
> you're in a little bit of a limbo when it comes to support. The
> volunteers here will try to do their best, and we've tagged the thread
> for the developer so they can have a look. Thanks for your patience.
> -----
> Thanks for adding to the handbook.
> On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Half-Elf on Tech <ipstenu at halfelf.org> wrote:
>> Okay, so wpcom-theme is how we tag, and we need a sort of autoreply...
>> You've installed a wordpress.com hosted theme that is (currently) not
>> available on WordPress.org. This is confusing, we know, but it means you're
>> in a little bit of a limbo when it comes to support. The volunteers here
>> will try to do their best, but the developer of the theme may never get
>> notified that there are issues. Sadly, we don't have a way to fix that right
>> now, so you'll have to be extra patient with everyone.
>> (I'm adding this to the handbook)
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