[wp-forums] Help, Help Help, As You Can See I need Help

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Sun Oct 12 18:58:23 UTC 2014

Hello, Rob.

This isn't the correct place to ask support questions. This is a mailing
list for the support volunteers and forum moderators to discuss issues and
problems with our support forums.

Normally, I'd direct you to the WordPress.org support forums for problems.
However, I took a look at your site, and it's running on WordPress.com.

WordPress is free software that anybody can download and use to make their
website. WordPress.org is where we develop that software and help people
with issues.

WordPress.com, on the other hand, is a service run by a company named
Automattic. They do things a bit differently over there, so really, they're
the only people that can help you with your specific problem.

For that, you'd need to visit http://support.wordpress.com/ and direct your
question to one of their contact methods there. Your account is on their
systems, so only they can get it back for you and get it connected.

There seems to be some confusion in your message though, as part of it was
a message from what appears to be a Dreamhost based installation, which
doesn't make any sense given that the site is actually on WordPress.com.
Did you recently attempt to move your install? In any case, you'll need to
contact either Automattic or Dreamhost directly to get assistance with the

Hope that helps!


On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Rob Clarke <robsplsyce at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'am trying to login to my Wp blog and it won't let me.  I put in my
> username and
> the P/W it comes back saying wrong p/w for the username.  So then I hit
> Lost P/W   After that I put in "Ive done both email and Username"  What
> happen next is my screen comes back saying go check your email for my
> request.   I do that and I never receive anything.  It use to send me my
> p/w at my address and now its not.  I did all that stuff with the cookies
> too.
> I am totally lost on this.  All I what is my p/w so I can login so I can
> post on my site.  Is there any way you can help?  Here's my username
> jrincome and the P/W  Theo1234Ellie&    This use to work.
> Here's my domain name:  domain name robbshomebasedbusinessopportunity.com
> Here's more info.
> I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
> Thanks,
> Rob Clarke
> robsplsyce at gmail.com
>  2. Afterwards, if you're switching from a different blog system,
> go to the import area of WordPress admin:
> http://www.robbshomebasedbusinessopportunity.com/wp-admin/import.php
> 3. We recommend you read the readme file too, but don't worry about
> the section for installation -- you've already done that:
> http://www.robbshomebasedbusinessopportunity.com/readme.html
> 4. Once everything's set up, you go here to manage/post to your blog:
> http://www.robbshomebasedbusinessopportunity.com/wp-login.php
> And here to view the blog itself:
> http://www.robbshomebasedbusinessopportunity.com/
> 5. Please read this important information about preventing comment-spam:
> http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Fine_Tuning_Your_WordPress_Install#Spam
> 6. We now install around TWENTY blog themes for you to choose from for
> the look of your site! To choose them, log into the admin area, and
> click the "Appearance" tab!
> 7. ALSO, we now auto-install the "super cache" plugin to make your
> blog super- fast and awesome! One thing though.. once you enable it
> (highly recommended!) new posts take a while to appear on your site.
> If you make a post and it doesn't appear right away, you can force
> it to come up by going to the "Settings > WP-Cache" area and
> clicking "Delete cache"!
> 8. We've partnered with VaultPress - the people behind WordPress.com -
> to offer you an invitation to use VaultPress' incredible WordPress backup
> service. You can sign up here if you'd like to check it out:
> http://vaultpress.com/plans/
> That's it, have fun!
> For help with using and customizing WordPress, please see the official
> website at:
> http://www.wordpress.org/
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