[wp-forums] Egregious spammer in the forums

James Huff james at automattic.com
Tue Oct 7 20:33:28 UTC 2014

Yeah, I’ve tossed a few today too. FWIW, it’s not related to WordPress.com at all.

This is why I keep asking for a blacklist. ;)

James Huff

On October 7, 2014 at 1:06:35 PM, Jan Dembowski (jan at dembowski.net) wrote:

I hate people who script for no good.  

There's a new spammer hitting the review forums. They push a button and  
create an account, spam, rinse and repeat.  


The best part is that the topic of the spam is titled "Sponsored Post" and  
includes the words "Sponsored by WordPress.com".  

It's a "Woo" club that has nothing to do with Woothemes but offers all  
their plugins and themes for a monthly fee. Putting aside the  
distastefulness of that site their script has already dumped 122 posts in  
that forums.  

Jan Dembowski  
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