[wp-forums] Localhost Knowledge Requested

Daniel Fenn danielx386 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 22:22:07 UTC 2014

Can you check to see if the user is getting any errors in their php
error_log file? If it was a permission thing then one would think that
he can't get any webpages.
Daniel Fenn

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 9:15 AM, James Huff <james at automattic.com> wrote:
> I foolishly dove into https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cant-view-pages-or-posts-after-manual-wp-update-to-instant-wp without realizing it was a local install.
> I've done what I'm comfortable with, but I think it's a permissions issue, and I'm not really comfortable telling people to muck about with permissions on their own PC.
> Would anyone with more local host experience mind saving me?
> ________
> James Huff
> http://macmanx.com
> http://automattic.com
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