[wp-forums] User blocked?

Marius Jensen funman at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 20:03:24 UTC 2014

Excellent, I see Jan already looked into it.
Have you also heard of Slack? All team communication for all the make teams
have moved most if not all activity over there, you can read about it on
http://make.wordpress.org/chat and the support team can be found in the
#forums room.
On 12 Nov 2014 19:36, "Mark Ratledge" <mark at markratledge.com> wrote:

> Here's a thread where a user says they've been blocked from the forums:
> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/can-somebody-help-me-in-contacting-the-site-administrator?replies=4
> I didn't unblock them, as maybe others know why they were blocked; or if
> there's no reason for the block, someone can make the decision to unblock
> them.
> --songdogtech
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