[wp-forums] Coding user

andrew nevins andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 00:17:22 UTC 2014

You know how we say to people that they were caught in the spam queue? It
is true because they actually were caught in the spam queue, but we never
tell them why they are being caught. As in, we never tell someone directly
that they were doing something slightly negative and were tagged. Should
we? Maybe if they know the reason why they are being caught they will be
more understanding (or maybe they won't)?Or maybe this approach has been
tried before and it didn't work?

We say it on the forum welcome plainly, " their posts will be flagged so
all posts must be approved by a moderator", so I was just wondering if
along with the "your posts were caught as spam" message we also say why
(without bringing up too much dirt). That might also help me remember to
look into the person's account to see if the tag is ancient and the person
has since cooled down.

On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 11:33 PM, Jan Dembowski <jan at dembowski.net> wrote:

> Good evening,
> This user was caught in the spam queue and could not edit his posts. It's
> happened with that account before in January.
> https://wordpress.org/support/profile/whitelord
> Which now seems to have caused him to lose his sh-, er, you know. I've
> deleted that user's angry posts.
> Thanks,
> Jan Dembowski
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