[wp-forums] Boilerplate theme to be pulled from theme repo

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Fri Mar 7 23:35:54 UTC 2014

"Pulling" something from the repo involves actually removing the files -
something only done in especially extreme circumstances. "Suspending" means
the file are still there, only not visible in the Directory.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Half-Elf on Tech <ipstenu at halfelf.org>wrote:

> FWIW, a layman can't tell the different between suspended or pulled. The
> theme dun vanishes :)
> esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
>> on 07/03/2014 22:17 Chip Bennett said the following:
>>> Note: it's not being "pulled"; just suspended until the
>>> wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ) is removed.
>> Sorry! My poor wording (it's getting late over here).
>> Mel
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