[wp-forums] Sharing login details to dummy host

Half-Elf on Tech ipstenu at halfelf.org
Wed Mar 5 17:36:05 UTC 2014

The "I need help with code" email list is wp-hackers

FWIW, we know you wouldn't ask for help if you didn't need it :) That's 
kind of expected.

But there is a limit to what (most) volunteers are willing to do for 
free, and when it comes to logging in to someone's site, it's a strange 
line. After all, I don't really think it's a good idea for NON technical 
users to allow random internet strangers to log into their site. Which 
is our point.

Support yes. Asking/expecting people to log in to your site (or 
conversely asking for access to log into someone's site) is beyond the 
norm and something we regard as highly suspect. Hackers like to do that. 
We like to protect people via education, and we're always telling people 
NOT to give away login access like beads at Mardi Gras.

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> This mailing list for for the forums moderator and regulars only. It
> is not for support. Please try posting in <http://wordpress.org/support/>
> Mel
> on 05/03/2014 15:57 Joe Finnerty said the following:
>> I’m not sure I was supposed to be a recipient on this chain.
>> The login info requested is for a large, live site.
>> I can assure you that I would not be asking for help, if I didn’t
>> need it.
>> I have worked with many other themes, written a few etc …
>> Never had any problems. Or at least those I couldn’t fix.
>> I have already coded around this problem but would just like to clean
>> this up.
>> There are continued changes to these sliders and for some reason this
>> one has been a real pain.
>> I have investigated plugin clashing etc… but to no avail. What I will
>> probably do is use another slider
>> that actually works. The tone from this chain leads to me believe
>> there really is no support, or at least
>> somewhat of a reluctance to assist with issues. That is fine with me.
>> All I want to know is where the theme
>> stores the slider info. File, db table???? I am resistant to supply
>> any login info or ftp credentials.
>> If you don’t know where the slider is stored just say so and we’re done.

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