[wp-forums] Bought reviews (again)?

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Thu Jun 26 11:06:07 UTC 2014

This is why we can't have nice things. Also this may have been reported 

While looking at the review section (morning routine. What?) I saw a 
large number of dodgy reviews for this plugin.



Which made me look and find this old post from the author.


But that was a year ago so I thought "They can't still be doing that 
right? Right???"

*Moar coffee*


"It's Very Simple. Leave a review on any of our free plugins before 
buying the premium version and we will give you 20% off."

That's a lot of bogus reviews. At least it's only a 20% discount.


I don't mind when the authors do "Hey buddy, if you like the plugin why 
not review it?" 'cause they should do that. But getting a discount for 
leaving a review on the forums just rubs me the wrong way.

Jan Dembowski

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