[wp-forums] Request to edit .ORG profiles

Mark Riley mark at automattic.com
Wed Jul 16 13:55:30 UTC 2014

On 16 July 2014 14:42, Joost de Valk <joost at yoast.com> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> it's great to see that you've become such an SEO expert all of a sudden.

Quit the sarcasm.

 But tell me, if that would prevent WordPress from getting issues, ever, how

> do you think large news sites and other HUGE brands got burned in recent
> updates? Oh, right, Google got smarter than footer links.
The forum is linked from every WP blog so users can get straight to it to
ask for help. Google cannot remove those links. As for Google being used to
search the forum? Why not use Bing? Or even better, DuckDuckGo.

> About your remark: re accountability and history: true. We'd need that.

Not need - absolutely essential. Last thing we need is for someone to start
offering “SEO Cleanup at wp.org” services.


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