[wp-forums] Request to edit .ORG profiles

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Tue Jul 15 16:06:36 UTC 2014

Joost de Valk wrote:
> If needed I'll hereby volunteer to clean up profiles on WP.org if someone
> gives me the appropriate rights.

Noted! ;) But that's not really my concern. There's a lot of links, 
data, etc. in the forum going way way back. If you start editing it for 
some users then it'd be hard to explain why the forums are not open to 
wholesale edits from anyone who requests it.

If there's a good reason (abuse, threats, stalking, etc.) then yes 
editing or deletion happens. That's valid. But someone just not liking 
their Google information? Not really a good idea to get into that business.

Jan Dembowski

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