[wp-forums] Closing down threads regarding old versions of WP

James Huff james at automattic.com
Thu Jul 3 16:32:13 UTC 2014

We had a chat about this today in the meetup on IRC and are thinking that auto-close after 3 months is the sweet spot, especially considering the rapid release schedule.

Pros: More users opening their own threads. Less belief that an issue in 3.7 is relevant to 3.9 (for example). Less "me too!" on ancient threads.

Cons: People will no longer be able to reply to their ancient threads that they forgot about for 3 months, which isn’t actually a negative point, because we have a much better chance of seeing a new no-reply thread than a 3-month-old thread with a reply.

Otto, what do you think, and if agreed, would you please make this happen for us? :)

James Huff

On July 3, 2014 at 8:36:53 AM, Josh Lobe (joshlobe at joshlobe.com) wrote:

Even six months seems to be a long time when we are working something as  
dynamic as WordPress.  

In my experience.. if the next reply is more than a month or two older  
than the previous reply (on any thread).. then the items are typically  
Perhaps this would encourage (force) newer users to being a new thread..  
instead of responding to something 'dead'.  
And.. when a new user does respond to a 'dead' thread... they are  
usually informed by a mod to begin a new thread.  

Seems we have come full circle...  

Just my $0.02 :)  

On 7/3/2014 11:28 AM, andrew nevins wrote:  
> I don't really know the reason why 12 month old topics are automatically  
> closed, I assume it's because the topic is unlikely to be actively  
> contributed to and relevant to current WordPress versions.  
> But can the same reason have this automation reduce the time down to topics  
> 6 months old?  
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