[wp-forums] 'Common Sense' Mod Rules when reviewing forum post that says 'me too'

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Mon Jan 20 18:40:44 UTC 2014

There's constructive replies and non-constructive. And there's common 
sense and then there's expectations, and what you're experiencing is not 
an issue of 'common sense' (which ... isn't common, thank you Voltaire) 
but one of your expectations of how a forum works vs how this one has 
been working for a while. It happens, every community is a little different.

The point that we COULD be more light handed on this is one that we're 
working on, as a whole, and pointing at people specifically does not 
make ANYONE feel inclined to be nicer. So give and take. Don't beat the 
dead horse please :) The more you do, the grumpier everyone gets, so 
please keep that in mind. You feel taken aback, we feel attacked, it's a 
vicious circle. I know you mean well, now let it simmer a while so 
people can think.

BTW As Nacin pointed out there IS a 'Subscribe to Topic' link on the 
right hand side in every topic, so you didn't have to reply to get the 
follow. Mind, I missed that too, but I use (and prefer) RSS. Mea culpa 
(don'tcha feel silly too, Chip? How many years have we not noticed? ;) ).
> Mike Turner <mailto:miketurnermk at hotmail.com>
> 20 January, 2014 at 10:26:58AM
> Hi Jan,
> If I had a better way to communicate with the mod then I wouldn't have 
> had that conversation there (and I only found this group after 
> searching on google through quite a lot of feeds)
> Speaking from experience (I come from an IT Support organisation at 
> both Computacenter and Capgemini and now work for VMware) some-times 
> rules can be taken too far and without some common sense being 
> applied, the users of the forums will simply be taken aback by 
> non-application of common sense.
> In that particular scenerio, adding the comment wasn't hurting anyone 
> at all. Why add it and target the comment to me, when someone had done 
> exactly the same thing 5 weeks ago (the post above mine) but no mod 
> went on to comment on that one and the mod didn't target her comment 
> at both of us, just me. Why?
> I appreciate that mods are volunteering, but I've seen many a forum 
> where people go a little 'power mad' and start moderating things that 
> really don't need to be moderated.
> I generally agree with some of the rules around how the forum is laid 
> out and the guidelines that are in place; I just think that some types 
> of moderating will get peoples backs up and when someone is already a 
> little frustrating over having being trying for hours to get something 
> installed and just wants a bit of support, certain moderating will 
> just annoy people even further and that's probably not what you guys want.
> Looking through the mail archives just for this month (which I only 
> found after posting first) I see that this isn't the first time that 
> this particular subject has come up, which was about this specific 
> moderator as well.
> The mail that was sent before was related to 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/post-images-not-working-1?replies=24 where 
> a group of members were all collaborating on the same issue but the 
> moderator stepped in at the end to tell people to seperate out the 
> discussion. Really not helpful at all.
> You say that I should follow the forum welcome and I'll be fine, but I 
> bet you, that if I find an issue that is reported which is exactly the 
> same as my issue and then proceed to copy and paste the contents of 
> the original post into a new post for me (no point in rewriting 
> something that is there) that I will get 'moderated' by someone for 
> duplicating. Or maybe not by a mod, but the plugin author will simply 
> ignore me as its an identical post.
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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