[wp-forums] Request: Topic close request

Stephen Edgar stephen at netweb.com.au
Wed Aug 6 21:15:39 UTC 2014

With the release of WordPress 3.9.2 (and 3.8.4 and 3.7.4) can I get the following topic closed please.


Rather than revisit that topic I'll try to keep an eye on the forums and the translations teams releases and hopefully this release we have no issues with users getting 4.0-alpha :)

If anyone does see an issue with users getting 4.0-alpha and I don't see it please ping me here via the list.

Related: http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/2014/08/06/wordpress-3-9-2-is-now-available-please-ship-your/


Stephen Edgar
Melbourne, Australia

Core commiter, contributor & moderator of #bbPress http://bbpress.org
https://profiles.wordpress.org/netweb/   https://twitter.com/netweb

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