[wp-forums] Troll-ish activity in the support forums

Morgan Estes morgan.estes at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 05:54:12 UTC 2013

I posted this as an idea for the WordPress.org forums and Mila suggested
mailing the list with my issue. Here's the original posting:

I recently came across a user who appears to have made it his goal to open
a drive-by support request on every plugin in the WordPress.org repository.
Most of the one-line "problems" I would classify as trollish, especially
since he often doesn't respond, or his questions are already answered by
reading the readme.txt.

Long story short, I'd love to be able to mark certain users like this one
as troublesome and, if there are enough valid reports, ban that person for
a time (maybe they could be rehabilitated?)

I don't go looking for stuff like this, but this user came to my attention
after opening a support issue on one of my plugins. I patiently replied and
marked it as not a support request, but noticed that this is a pattern of
his (over 200 threads). It's not exactly trolling, but it's the kind of
behavior that can easily drive folks away from the site.

So really my question here is: am I just being too sensitive about this, or
is there something that can (or should, even) be done?


Morgan W. Estes

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