[wp-forums] Weird similar posts in Your WordPress forum

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed May 15 20:20:48 UTC 2013

on 15/05/2013 21:11 Jan Dembowski said the following:
> Weird, they're all sites made by Poles. Had no idea that was popular
> there...

"Please suggest me to improve" seems to be a common phrase for 
non-English speakers. I've always assumed it's a by-product of something 
like Google Translate.

> I would love to see the entire Your WordPress section removed. I just
>> >don't see the value of it.

> "Your WordPress" keeps the Reviews sub-forum company. ;) Although many of
> the reviews are useful. Your WordPress routinely makes me cringe.

I'd argue that it keeps the would-be spammers in one place so we can 
keep a better eye on them. I tend to trawl it a couple of times a day 
looking for any obvious issues (like non-WP sites) but 90% or more seem 
quite harmless.


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