[wp-forums] Is this correct?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue May 14 22:04:31 UTC 2013

Deleted the reviews and I'm going to follow up with an email from 
plugins of "Hey, we noticed someone with your IP was posting reviews..."

It's POSSIBLE someone's just being silly, vs attempting to game the system.

Drew wrote:
> Yep, definitely the same IP, good catch! The IP is
> Not sure what the protocol is other than probably deleting the fake
> reviews. Looks like Mika is on the case.
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Jose Conti Calveras
> <j.conti at joseconti.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There is a user http://profiles.wordpress.org/etdagan that is reviewing
>> all CM plugins with 5 starts, I think he and the developer is the same
>> person.
>> In other way, I'm the WangGuard developer and the CM developer is adding
>> the tag WangGuard to some of his plugins. That plugin don't use WangGuard
>> API so for me, he is using the tag WangGuard to gain relevance.
>> The plugins with the fake WangGuard tag are:
>> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cm-email-blacklist/
>> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cm-invitation-codes/
>> Any advice?
>> Thank you
>> José Conti
>> http://www.joseconti.com
>> http://WangDev.com
>> http://WangGuard.com
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