[wp-forums] Keep an Eye on this Thread?

Drew xoodrew at gmail.com
Mon May 13 04:46:13 UTC 2013

I've closed the thread. I chose not to delete it because it's still a
legitimate review, even if @gurumark took the opportunity to call out
another reviewer in the process.

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 7:09 PM, bc works <bcworks at gmail.com> wrote:

> Doesn't this plugin violate the plugin repository guideline prohibiting
> transmitting executable code from a third party service? No need to respond
> here, I don't really care what the answer is, I'm sure someone will deal
> with this potential issue if necessary.
> What got me going was the requirement users purchase entity credits, but my
> interpretation of the guidelines makes me think this aspect is acceptable.
> Then I saw the executable code restriction.
> If nothing else, it violates the guideline of no more than 12 tags! Talk
> about tag bloat.
> -bc (Glenn)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Andrew2.Nevins <Andrew2.Nevins at live.uwe.ac.uk>  wrote:
> <Andrew2.Nevins at live.uwe.ac.uk>
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/great-service-excellent-product?replies=9
> I tagged it modlook a couple of hours ago but nothing came up in my RSS
> feed so don't know if anyone saw it.
> It seems the plugin's author/ contributor created a review thread to target
> feedback from a particular person, which I think is fine, but the mood is
> turning sour.
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