[wp-forums] How do you find out who Modlook'd a thread?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Mon May 6 19:14:40 UTC 2013

Mark, don't modlook those :)

Email this list. Modlook is for the NON mods to tell us "Hey, this 'un 
needs help!" You, being a mod, should handle them or alert the list for 

It's kind of like us marking something as spam. It's not really helpful 
since then you have to go in and delete the post anyway.

Mark Ratledge wrote:
> I modlooked this becuase I was unsure of the offer to help via email; 
> the offer-er and responder is a plugin dev:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/500-internal-server-error-after-upgrade-to-351?replies=13
> He has since been bozoed.
> -- mark
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