[wp-forums] Can this thread be closed?

Mar Ventus marventus.wp at gmail.com
Wed May 1 00:11:27 UTC 2013

Joni, I totally agree with you: our own sites and projects usually feel
more important than what they usually are or, to put it differently, they
are more important to us than to everyone else, so I'm OK with that. I am
also OK with him being a little frustrated over not being able to figure
out certain things and having problems with his site. But what I'm
not OK with, is that he was met with support and willingness to help, and
not only did he refuse to be helped, but went ahead and posted a bad review
out of spite.

So, if you think about this:
1. He hijacked a thread;
2. He refused to be helped on the count of "not having time" to try our
advice (oddly, he had plenty of time to write abundantly about it);
3. He posted a bad review in retaliation of that very same thread.
So, I guess the million-dollar question here is: where do we draw the line?
Josh and I did everything by the book and then some, and yet, we were
punished with a bad review that lowers the overall score of our plugin.
Sure, it doesn't lower it a lot, but IMHO that is besides the point.
There's a negative impact on our end that does not seem to be justified
(IMO, of course).

*tl;dr: *I guess this thread and its corresponding review seem to bring up
the same questions as the reviews I pointed to a few days ago, and they all
seem to lead to the same fundamental issue: should devs be punished for
users' lack of cooperation / ignorance / tempers / moods / etc.?



On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Joni Mueller <joni at jonimueller.com> wrote:

> I think he's blown his site's importance way out of proportion to the
> issue he's facing. But it's his right to do that I suppose. I mean, I know
> the site is important to him, but in the big picture, he's not Rupert
> Murdoch and I doubt Rupert Murdoch would throw such a fit.
> I think you should leave those posts/rants there and let people draw their
> own (inevitable) conclusions.  It just looks like another frustrated WP
> user had a meltdown.
> Joni Mueller
> www.pixelita.com
> Follow me on Twitter: @pixelitadesigns
> ________________________________________
> From: wp-forums [wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Mar
> Ventus [marventus.wp at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 2:56 PM
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Can this thread be closed?
> The same user then went and gave the plugin a bad review as retaliation,
> when we did everything in our power to help him out:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/ultimate-tinymce-3?replies=2
> Is that allowed?
> Please advise. Thanks!
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