[wp-forums] How do we feel about this?

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Wed Mar 20 13:58:18 UTC 2013

On Mar 20, 2013, at 7:20 AM, Mika Epstein wrote:

> Matt (and other funders) aside, it is contrary the purpose of the support forum. (Chalk up another reason why I hate that My WordPress subforum, and continue to tacitly ignore it.) But that doesn't make it a pretty cool idea.
> Maybe we could replace My WordPress with an open forum for WP projects? Not a job/hire board, but collab stuff, and even fundraisers for WP related things. That would probably be more constructive than what we have today...

That's a good idea for an Automattic subdomain all its own: some sort of hybrid kickstarter for WP, a section for $ projects, a section for people looking for help and collabs with plugins and themes, a section for just posting your WP site URL for feedback.

Now, that's such a great idea, I get a percentage of the income! :)

> And for those wondering, this is the kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tentblogger/pressgram-an-image-sharing-app-built-for-an-indepe?ref=card

Now, maybe I'm just a cranky old guy, but Kickstarter never used to be so corporate, with long, slick pitches featuring your allegedly "hottie" wife and (well, they are) cute kids.

-- mark (hey, you kids get off my lawn!)

> On Mar 20, 2013, at 6:15 AM, Mark Ratledge <mark at markratledge.com> wrote:
>> He's some sort of serial "entrepreneur."
>> He's got a dozen more posts for his plugins that read "Note: This plugin is no longer under active development. If you're interested in maintaining it, please contact me," I suppose trying to dish off his plugins, maybe for $.
>> - mark

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