[wp-forums] Cleanup, Aisle Mod

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Wed Mar 20 01:33:55 UTC 2013

I've cleaned up the moderator/admin list.

* If you're an admin or a mod who HAS NOT posted in the forum in over a 
year, you're now a member.
* If you're an admin who hasn't posted in 6months, you're a mod.

Of the lof, 24 out of 25 were absent 12+ months, even a bunch of 
Automatticians, who are (yes) members now. Custom titles are applied 
where appropriate.

Everyone gets the 30-second thinf removed, since you were trusted once, 
we still trust ya a lot ;) Ditto Akismet Always Trust.

Let me know...
If you think I got you by accident.
If you think I SHOULD have dropped your access level (i.e. you wanna retire)

IMO if you only post once a month, and you still help out, there's no 
reason to dump you unless you go postal over people and need time out ;)

Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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