[wp-forums] Bozo'ed and Never-Trusted Smashupbuddy

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Mon Jul 22 15:54:07 UTC 2013

Please NEVER delete the accounts! It breaks all sorts of things :/

You can set 'em blocked, or inactive, but don't delete please and thank 
you :)

Amy Hendrix wrote:
> Obvious bad actor -- his only contributions were to link to his Awesum
> Cracked Warz site (now unlinked from his profile) and to link to a
> pirated download of All In One SEO *in AIO's subforum*, which seemed a
> little bold to me.
> I've deleted his posts but not the account -- when it's not someone
> making 1000 posts an hour about counterfeit Louboutins, I'm never sure
> if it's best to nuke it or to keep the profile around for tracking
> purposes.
> A.
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